
Maria Korogianni

Physiotherapist, Clinical Pilates Instructor


Maria has a diploma in Physiotherapy and a Masters degree in Neuroscience. She is the owner and clinical director of Physiowellness Clinic in Attica, Greece.

In her clinical practice, she’s holding strong to hands-on treatment and tailored rehabilitation. What she loves most about her work, is to help people live better without medication, integrating holistic approach to wellness into their daily lives.

A wellness traveller herself, she is passionate about spreading the knowledge of the contribution of Greek thermal springs in health and wellness. Therefore, she often lectures in conferences related to wellness tourism and she organises thermal spa retreats around Greece.

As her treatment philosophy revolves around the 'Movement is Medicine' quote, Maria is also certified in Clinical Pilates, which she implements in both her private practice and thermal spa retreats.

Maria has undergone her own journey of self-discovery and self-healing, and since then she has dedicated her life to her vision, which is to combine Neuroscience, Physiotherapy and Wellness in order to nurture the well-being of people, while empowering them to take a more active role in their health.

She communicates in Greek & English.

In her free time, she loves to practice yoga, read and travel the world.